Wednesday, November 30, 2022

SHUT UP, Counterpoint: You Shut Up - High Times


@420FORLYFE posts a picture of them and their mom holding gummies.

Caption: Got my mom to try an Indica gummy for sleep!🍬🍬


@CannaLoverrrr: No such thing as Indica. All weed is so modified now so those terms are meaningless.

@420ForLyfe replies: But, I've tried sativas, and they've made my heart race. 

@CannaLoverrrr: Just trying to help. I swear to G*d, every time misinformation like the term indica is used it takes us five steps back.

I think it's a great way to explain the effects of weed to someone like my mom who doesn't know anything, but is curious. 

I guess if you want to lie to your mom go ahead.

I don't want to lie to my mom. Shut up.

You shut up.

What should I say?

I don't know your mom.

Right, but if I shouldn't use those terms what should I use?

You have to teach her about the endocannabinoid system, terpenes, indoor vs sun grown.

She doesn't want to learn all that.

Well, I'm not gonna do the research for her!

She just wants to try some weed to sleep better.

Then she needs a high-CBN strain.

I know that.


I just wanted to share a pic of me taking an edible with my mom before we watch Death Becomes Her.

Devil Wears Prada is better.

Are you out of your mind? Goldie Hawn, Isabella Rossellini, Bruce Willis… meanwhile Adrian Grenier's character suuuuuucks.

The cerulean scene is iconic. 

True, but that's it.

And when Meryl Streep says, "Why is no one readddddy?"

Death Becomes Her is about America's obsession with external validation, and how it destroys us. DWPrada is about how external validation will make you a global success!

Why do you hate America?

I didn't say that.

You inferred it.

Yes, please explain to me what I meant like you're explaining weed to me – BTW I own my own company.

For someone who hates DWPrada you sound a lot like Miranda Presley.

You don't even know me. I cannot wait for this edible to kick in so I can chill the f out.

I always take fast acting.


I was just trying to help. We want the same thing, a successful industry with fair-access for all.

I want that, but you sound like a whining Bruce Willis in Death Becomes Her.

I was just trying to have a conversation about cannabis classification, not argue about 90's movies. 

I don't want to do either. Everyone like you in our industry loves to focus on short-term details instead long-term goals. 

Short-term details create long-term goals.

Sure, but when you do nothing but argue about the small stuff you can't achieve the big ideas.

This is going nowhere. I was just trying to help. Bye.

"You should not compete with me. I always win." – Meryl Streep as Madeline Ashton in Death Becomes Her, the better movie.

The Next Day


@CANNALOVERRRR posts a picture of their flourishing home grow.

Caption: My babies are growing up so fast!


@420ForLyfe: WOW. Coming at me for saying Indica, and you're dumb enough to post your home grow!🤦‍♀️

@Cannaloverrrr: Sounds like you need more sleep.

Hope you have a gun.

I don't, why?

$2000 in equip and plants. Home grows get robbed all the time.

Never even shot a gun.

Ok, Elitist. 

Home grow is crucial as we fight for decrim.

They also endanger neighborhoods, and destroy the climate. Look. It. Up.

Are you saying home grow is bad?

I'm saying you should support small farms – regulated, quality controlled, and good for the economy.

As a med patient on a fixed income I need to grow my own.

That's why we must fight to change tax regs.

Re: quality control, I've been growing for six years and know what I'm doing.

I'd never give my mom your unregulated closet weed.

Your mom aint getting none. BTW nothing good is getting done while we fight with each other on here.

I'm just sayin' buy a gun. 

Let me guess, if we all had guns no one would use them?

Not only that, but if we think beyond guns and focus on new tech we can compete with China.

What new tech?

Laser eyes. 

Laser eyes?

Especially at schools.

You want our teachers –

And kids to have laser eyes. 

So no home grow, but everyone has laser eyes?

And, America corners the ancillary market of manufacturing and selling visors made out of ruby quartz so we can control our lasers. 

Are you talking about Cyclops?

Yea that was a test to see if you like X-Men, and unlike you I wanna support small farms.

So do I.

When you make a frozen pizza do you still pay Dominos?


That's the same as not supporting small farms! 

Agree to disagree.

Would you say we're not seeing eye to laser eye?

I would.

Glad we agree on that.

Guess we're making progress.

No we aren't. 

I was being sarcastic. 

I'm joking. OMG you are dumb. I'm gonna Nightcrawler outta here. BAMF✌️



@HighTimesMagazine posts a picture of Brittney Griner's drug conviction.

Caption: De-nied. A Russian court on Tuesday shut down #BrittneyGriner's appeal


@420ForLyfe: She has to live with the consequences of her actions.

@Cannaloverrrr: No one should be in prison nine years on some carts.

In America, yes, but IT'S RUSSIA.

Biden should do everything he can to bring her home.

He's not even doing everything he can to free all non-violent offenders in jail here.

He's working on it. 

You love Biden, Home Grow Boi.😶‍🌫️

"Let's go Brandon!" – You (and your mom), probably.

Biden's doing the bare minimum just for votes.

That's how politics works.

He created the worst parts of the War on Drugs.

People change.

Sheeple follow.

It's a start.

Anyway, Brittney fucked around and found out.

We need to fund MMJ research for athletes.

It's not celeb athletes that need help, it's veterans.

It's everyone. 

Agree, but none of this will matter once Big Pharma comes in.

To combat that we need fair banking for small businesses.

First we need lab testing regs so people can't fudge their THC numbers.

THC doesn't matter. Terps do. It's bad you don't know that.

What's bad is these rich, bad actors who steal shine from people actually doing the work.

Not to mention all these millionaires coming in who know nothing about the plant.

That's because it's an industry not a community.

It's actually a community being ruined by industry.

It's both but it dont matter cuz we're circling the drain here arguing while people with lobbyist money make decisions without us.

Truth. How was Death Becomes Her?

We fell asleep watching a nature doc when the Indica (that's right I said INDICA) edibles kicked in.

Watching nature docs high rocks.

It was about this snake in the Amazon rainforest that ran out of food because of deforestation, and ate its own tail.

Actually a snake can't eat its own tail.

Is this you explaining Indica to me all over again?

Technically, eating means to chew, and snakes swallow their prey whole.

So the snake is swallowing its own tail?


Kinda feels like our industry.



At least we solved that. 🤝

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Did Pakistan really pass LGBTQ bill? - MM News

As we know that the Transgender Rights Bill is being criticised by some religious parties and has been described as an attempt to promote homosexuality in the country.

Most people claim that through this Transgender Rights Bill, LGBTQ bill is being advocated in the country

What is Transgender Rights Bill

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act and particularly its Subsection (2) of Section (3) is the main cause of conflict between the powerful right-wing and comparatively marginalised leftists.

Read more: What is 'Amend Transgender Act' and why is it trending?

Subsection (2) reads: "… a transgender person shall have a right to be recognized as per his or her self-perceived gender identity." The Act was passed into law by parliament in May 2018.


Assemblies, courts, and social media have started discussing it after four years of its passage with the support of all major political parties in the National Assembly and the Senate. According to them, the act will promote homosexuality and gay marriages against the stance of transgenders and left-wings, who term it a landmark.

Social media and LGBTQ

Many social media users are strongly condemning this act and claiming that it is against Islamic principles. Let's have a look at what people have to say: 

This bill "Transgender Act" is totally unacceptable as its actually supporting LGBTQ movement which says that men can convert into women and women into men + homosexuality and much more. I as a Pakistani citezen reject this bill ( This is Islamic Republic Of Pakistan) 🙌 #LGBTQ

— Eman (@Eman_NaazFan) September 21, 2022

We are Not Against Naturally Born Shemale We Respect them We are Against the Person who want fornication & Spread Adultery in Society #LGBTQ

— Shehroze Sheikh (@ShehrozeSheikh5) September 21, 2022

🚨 After Pakistan, Thousands of Turkish people also marched in Istanbul, Türkiye demanding a ban on LGBTQ groups.Protesters held signs that read "protect your family and your generation" & "say No to the project of a genderless society". #LGBTQ #Pakistan #Turkey #Transgender 🔄

— Liaan (@Liaanromeo) September 22, 2022

It's not up for debate. Anybody transgressing the boundaries set by Allah will definitely be invoking Allah's azaab. Our society is so consumed by the west that they have started finding their own logic in Islam. Allah's word is the final word. #Pakistan#LGBTQ

— Sana Dero (@dero_sana) September 21, 2022

We all stand united Against Transgender Act.#LGBTQ #ٹرانسجنڈر_بل_نامنظور #TLP

— Rana Farzand Naseem (@FarzandNaseem) September 22, 2022

A Thread🧵Transgender Act 2022

This bill was presented in parliament by PTI PMLN, PMLQ, PPP is very intriguing but when you read it you will find that This bill clearly supports @LGBTfdn it gives rights on the basis of self perceived identity. #transgenderact2022 #LGBTQ

— سدرۃ المنتہیٰ🤍 (@apki_heartbeat) September 21, 2022

What's this stupid logic "I don't feel like woman or man"? What about controlling your nafs? Surrendering to the will of Allah? The shi**iest part is Muslims talking about this? Are you for real? Have you bothered to read the book you "follow"??

Stupid nonsense! #LGBTQ

— Sheema Afzal (@SheemaAfzal) September 21, 2022

Stop #LGBTQ 🔁

— Liaan (@Liaanromeo) September 22, 2022

Those who support #LGBTQ: Do you allow your son to spend one night with a man and have sex with him? 🏳️‍🌈

— Liaan (@Liaanromeo) September 22, 2022

So, #Pakistan is the First Muslim Country in the world to pass #LGBT #LGBTQ Rights !!! Now you can marry with same gender in Pakistan !! 🙈👍

— Umair Sandhu (@UmairSandu) September 21, 2022

Do you want to read authentic news from Pakistan & across the world? So download MM News App Now !

Sunday, November 20, 2022

FDA Cialis Otc -

( New discovery from Stanford University medical professors make it easier to treat male dysfunction.)

Sexologists report that it only takes a moment to enlarge the penis up to 6.4 inches, and medical professors from Stanford University has demonstrated it thanks to several medical tests, which proved that 120 minutes was enough for the corpora cavernosa (cavernous bodies) of the penis to begin to grow. This way, the penis grows in size and width, and the erections last longer, which means you could satisfy your partner up to 5 times in a row .

Professor of the Stanford University created a quick and 100% natural formula to increase the size of the penis, and the entire scientific world, from sexologists to doctors and academics, confirmed that this important discovery will end a problem that is shameful for thousands of men. Additionally, this discovery is supported by independent tests and clinical and lab trials, among others.

In the USA, more than 9,000 men have tried the Professor's formula . Surveys and consumer interviews confirm that it has two main properties:

- It is 3 times more effective and faster than penis pumps and weights, or any other type of treatment.

- It naturally enlarges the penis forever, improves blood circulation and increases the number of corpora cavernosa.

Natural effects in 30 days

You can increase the size of your penis 1/2 or 1 inches in the first week, guaranteed by medical testing!

Medical Professors explained why his formula to enlarge the penis works so fast:

"The secret of the formula effectiveness lies in its composition. It is a unique blend of substances that enlarge the cavernous bodies of the penis, thus increasing its size. At the same time, it also increases testosterone levels to 9.7 ng (nanograms per blood mililiter).

The key components of this formula are mint extract, arctium extract and guarana - these are natural ingredients that improve libido and blood circulation, but, most important of all, they also increase the size of the penis .

These substances help to bring more blood to the penis and nourish its muscle tissue, which, in turn, have several results:

First of all, they immediately stimulate penis growth, as well as increase libido and testosterone levels. Likewise, it is important to note that, from a medical point of view, no one is able to reach the full potential of the corpora cavernosa if you do not consume these substances. It is the only method known to increase your penis to its maximum possible natural size. If the penis starts to receive more blood, the tissue will in turn begin to swell and to enlarge its size up to 2.5 inches .

Finally, these ingredients supplement metabolites deficit and clean the veins of toxins, which means the veins can transport the blood faster and better. That is why the penis increases its size and erections improve. The average time of sexual intercourse is 32 minutes .

The synergy of these three stages allows penis growth and prolongs the duration of erections. Thanks to all of the mentioned above, you will not only have a 73.4% longer penis, but you will also enjoy more intense sex and are going to be able to give your partner up to 5 orgasms , since your penis will be bigger and will endure more."

Warning: Rely only on proven methods.

There are no coincidences in science, and neither are promises accepted. All that counts is the results of the medical trials. For this reason, Medical Professors elaborated a special clinical analysis to verify that two hours are enough to enlarge the penis the first 0.3 - 0.5 inches.

Researchers tested the treatment in a group of 122 men between the ages of 18 and 45 years old. Participants performed this method daily and described it as immediate and non-invasive. The idea of the trial was to scientifically test whether the penis enlargement formula created by Medical Professors actually worked and ensured that the penis grew and the erections would last longer. These were the results:

The results were recorded during Medical Professors's 4-week treatment, and published in the Man Power medical journal, under Health & Disease:

- The questionnaires showed that participants increased the size of their penises by 6.4 inches on average in 30 days.

- The participants' blood tests showed that cavernous bodies increased their volume by at least 71.4% and that testosterone levels increased by 9 nanograms (the average man has a testosterone level of 2.2 to 3 nanograms).

- The tests showed an increase of the erection time of up to 47 minutes.

- The average penis size of participants after the experiment was 7.6 inches.

Course of the treatment according to the research documentation

Editor's Note: The original text has been retained. Patient data has been removed to protect their privacy.

FIRST WEEK: I joined the experiment to solve my little problem of 4.8 inches. Two hours after starting the treatment, I began to feel its results. My penis was tingling (but it did not hurt), and little by little it was growing. Two days later, it already measured 5.6 inches. I had to do absolutely nothing because it was completely automatic. 6 days later, I had gained one more inch. The result: 6.1 inches! I began to feel more confident and I slept with my roommate, who is always willing to do the dirty. In the end, she told me that no man had ever given her so many orgasms in half an hour.

THIRD WEEK: I feel better than never. I have more energy in bed and I am not ashamed to take off my pants. It is certainly due to getting rid of the stress of having to deal with a small penis. I can screw for 20 or 30 minutes, my penis doesn't get soft and it has grown 1.2 inches more. My penis has grown, so far, up to 7.3 inches in 3 weeks, meaning 0.8 inches every week. Having a bigger penis and having sex for longer is amazing. Finally, I feel pleasure in doing it and I can satisfy the girl I'm with.

FOURTH WEEK: After four weeks, the moment of truth arrived. My penis reached 7.6 inches. I never thought it would be so big! Plus, I can keep my erection up even after I come. I went to a party and hooked up with a chick to see if everything was in order. She went crazy when she saw how hung I am! And later I had a great time listening to her coming. We went at it for 41 minutes, I gave her 5 orgasms and we tried almost every position. Now, finally, I know I can hook up with anyone I like and not have to worry about the size of my penis.

Trial Participant ID Card:

According to the data obtained, it can be asserted that the results of the treatment created by the Professor surprised, not only the scientific community, but the entire world. This is precisely why the formula has become so popular when it comes to fighting male impotence, micro penises and short-time erections. Now, more and more people want to try for themselves this effective method.

"When I saw the results of the clinical trials, I was surprised. Since then, I always recommend this treatment to all my patients that have a small-penis problem, and they end up delighted." - Professor from Stanford

Medical Professors received so many petitions of men wanting to try his penis-enlargement and lasting-erection treatment that his small lab could not cope with the production. That is why the Professor decided to start collaborating with a company that could produce a penis enlargement supplement according to his formula, which he simply called

Because it is a scientific method, Medical Professors concerned with results, not promises. That is why you can order a free trial version of anywhere in USA.

so you can be personally assured of the product's quality and achieve test-verified results.

Request FREE Trial is the best way to try before you buy. This is Medical Professors's personal guarantee, backed up by the manufacturer of the product - so you have nothing to risk!

By placing your order on the manufacturer's official web page you'll be shipped a 30 day trial supply of anywhere in USA.

Medical Professors does not simply make promises: he actually delivers. His formula is, without doubt, the best product to enlarge the penis that exists and the Professor has the documentation to prove it.

Remember, just reading about the best method to increase the size of your penis will not enlarge it. So, if you want to have a 8-inch penis and give your partner up to 5 orgasms in a row, you need to try this method yourself! If you do, you will be convinced that the results are supported not only by clinical trials, but also with your own history. In fact, you will notice the effects so fast that you will not have to wait more than 24 hours. It would not be strange that, even if you take a pill before you started reading this page, by the time you finish you could already see the results!

Important: Remember, contains only natural substances and is not contraindicated against any medication, so you do not have to stop taking the medicines prescribed by your doctor.

We are happy to hear the success stories of those who have used anywhere in USA.

after publishing this article (including the author). If you also want to improve your sex life, do not think about it anymore! You have nothing to lose! Click on the following link and you will receive FREE trial of anywhere in USA.

with the guarantee that you are buying an original product that actually works (the quantity of free trials is limited and may finish soon).

Saturday, November 19, 2022

These Words That Women Know Better Than Men And Vice Versa Will Make You Question Your Grasp Of The English Language - Digg

See how many words you know from each list, and then check your knowledge against my super accurate and definitely not made-up definitions.

Remember when you had to learn a bunch of new, complicated-sounding vocabulary words in high school for the SATs — stuff like abysmal, demur, postulate? Most of the words you learned then probably feel commonplace now, but there was that moment in time when these words made you feel like the English language was vast and unknowable.

If you want to revisit that feeling, good news: a table of words from a study has been going around on Twitter that contains a list of words that men are typically more familiar with than women, and another list of words that women typically know better than men.

Jurij Fedorov tweeted out the study from the July 2018 edition of the journal Behavior Research Methods, which analyzed 61,858 English words.

Personally, I felt very attacked to scan the list of, uh, "women's words" and find that I knew every single one, and to realize that I only knew a handful of those on the "male" side of the table.

There's something to be said here about how we gender certain language by raising and educating men and women differently, and about the kinds of knowledge that are normalized for different genders, blah blah blah — but that's probably not important or relevant, nor (probably) is the fact that all the words mainly familiar to women have to do with fashion, and the male words are largely scientific terms, words related to war or violence, and one (1) slur.

Anyway, as a proud English major in my undergraduate days, I will not take my own ignorance sitting down. Below, I will offer accurate explanations of the words that women tend to know better, and my best guess at the definitions of the words that men tend to know better. Hope this helps.

Words — For Women!

Peplum: A little skirt attached to the bottom of a shirt for some reason

Tulle: The stuff ballerinas' tutus are made of

Chignon: The way ballerinas stereotypically wear their hair (i.e. a bun)

Bandeau: A fabric band that can serve to hold hair back, as a strapless bra, and probably some other purposes I, a woman, wouldn't know about

Freesia: A flower

Chenille: What a lot of soft throw blankets are made of

Kohl: A dark substance people used to use as makeup in ye olden days

Verbena: A plant whose scent is often found in tea and soaps

Doula: A midwife

Ruche: Fabric pleated or bunched to create a sort of froofy effect

Froofy: A word I just made up

Espadrille: Shoes whose heel is made of braided dried grass for some reason

Damask: A woven fabric whose pattern can today probably only be found on tablecloths

Jacquard: Patterned fabric created by a Jacquard loom (do not ask me what that is)

Whipstitch: It's a sewing thing

Boucle: A kind of "curled" or "looped" yarn that creates a texture I neither will nor can describe

Taffeta: Like silk, but not

Sateen: Like satin, but not

Chambray: A cotton fabric that's usually light-blue in color, though it's unclear why it can't be other colors

Pessary: A device employed to treat pelvic organ prolapse, but also possibly some sort of fabric

Voile: A delicate, semi-transparent fabric — like tulle, but not

Words — For Men!

Howitzer: A kind of musical instrument

Thermistor: A preparation for lobster

Azimuth: Definitely a place

Femtosecond: Time — for women!

Milliamp: One million amps

Aileron: An adjustable flap on the wing of a plane (OK, this one I know)

Servo: A server, in Australia

Degauss: That guy who painted ballerinas a bunch

Boson: A guy with some job on a ship who usually has one or two lines in each of Shakespeare's plays

Checksum: When you're trying to split a bill between a bunch of people after dinner

Piezoelectricity: Electricity, in Italy

Gauss: Like degauss, but not

Katana: A sword for nerds

Shemale: I'm begging men not to use this word

Neodymium: An indie-electro band

Yakuza: "J'accuse!", in Japan

Teraflop: When you're in your flop era for a really long time

Strafe: You can do this in Zelda: Breath of the Wild by holding LZ and going left or right

Parsec: Chopped parsley

Bushido: It's a Samurai thing

Friday, November 11, 2022

Penis Growth Pills Side Effects Do Sex Enhancement Pills Work « Fort Carson Mountaineer -

( New discovery from Stanford University medical professors make it easier to treat male dysfunction.)

Sexologists report that it only takes a moment to enlarge the penis up to 6.4 inches, and medical professors from Stanford University has demonstrated it thanks to several medical tests, which proved that 120 minutes was enough for the corpora cavernosa (cavernous bodies) of the penis to begin to grow. This way, the penis grows in size and width, and the erections last longer, which means you could satisfy your partner up to 5 times in a row .

Professor of the Stanford University created a quick and 100% natural formula to increase the size of the penis, and the entire scientific world, from sexologists to doctors and academics, confirmed that this important discovery will end a problem that is shameful for thousands of men. Additionally, this discovery is supported by independent tests and clinical and lab trials, among others.

In the USA, more than 9,000 men have tried the Professor's formula . Surveys and consumer interviews confirm that it has two main properties:

- It is 3 times more effective and faster than penis pumps and weights, or any other type of treatment.

- It naturally enlarges the penis forever, improves blood circulation and increases the number of corpora cavernosa.

Natural effects in 30 days

You can increase the size of your penis 1/2 or 1 inches in the first week, guaranteed by medical testing!

Medical Professors explained why his formula to enlarge the penis works so fast:

"The secret of the formula effectiveness lies in its composition. It is a unique blend of substances that enlarge the cavernous bodies of the penis, thus increasing its size. At the same time, it also increases testosterone levels to 9.7 ng (nanograms per blood mililiter).

The key components of this formula are mint extract, arctium extract and guarana - these are natural ingredients that improve libido and blood circulation, but, most important of all, they also increase the size of the penis .

These substances help to bring more blood to the penis and nourish its muscle tissue, which, in turn, have several results:

First of all, they immediately stimulate penis growth, as well as increase libido and testosterone levels. Likewise, it is important to note that, from a medical point of view, no one is able to reach the full potential of the corpora cavernosa if you do not consume these substances. It is the only method known to increase your penis to its maximum possible natural size. If the penis starts to receive more blood, the tissue will in turn begin to swell and to enlarge its size up to 2.5 inches .

Finally, these ingredients supplement metabolites deficit and clean the veins of toxins, which means the veins can transport the blood faster and better. That is why the penis increases its size and erections improve. The average time of sexual intercourse is 32 minutes .

The synergy of these three stages allows penis growth and prolongs the duration of erections. Thanks to all of the mentioned above, you will not only have a 73.4% longer penis, but you will also enjoy more intense sex and are going to be able to give your partner up to 5 orgasms , since your penis will be bigger and will endure more."

Warning: Rely only on proven methods.

There are no coincidences in science, and neither are promises accepted. All that counts is the results of the medical trials. For this reason, Medical Professors elaborated a special clinical analysis to verify that two hours are enough to enlarge the penis the first 0.3 - 0.5 inches.

Researchers tested the treatment in a group of 122 men between the ages of 18 and 45 years old. Participants performed this method daily and described it as immediate and non-invasive. The idea of the trial was to scientifically test whether the penis enlargement formula created by Medical Professors actually worked and ensured that the penis grew and the erections would last longer. These were the results:

The results were recorded during Medical Professors's 4-week treatment, and published in the Man Power medical journal, under Health & Disease:

- The questionnaires showed that participants increased the size of their penises by 6.4 inches on average in 30 days.

- The participants' blood tests showed that cavernous bodies increased their volume by at least 71.4% and that testosterone levels increased by 9 nanograms (the average man has a testosterone level of 2.2 to 3 nanograms).

- The tests showed an increase of the erection time of up to 47 minutes.

- The average penis size of participants after the experiment was 7.6 inches.

Course of the treatment according to the research documentation

Editor's Note: The original text has been retained. Patient data has been removed to protect their privacy.

FIRST WEEK: I joined the experiment to solve my little problem of 4.8 inches. Two hours after starting the treatment, I began to feel its results. My penis was tingling (but it did not hurt), and little by little it was growing. Two days later, it already measured 5.6 inches. I had to do absolutely nothing because it was completely automatic. 6 days later, I had gained one more inch. The result: 6.1 inches! I began to feel more confident and I slept with my roommate, who is always willing to do the dirty. In the end, she told me that no man had ever given her so many orgasms in half an hour.

THIRD WEEK: I feel better than never. I have more energy in bed and I am not ashamed to take off my pants. It is certainly due to getting rid of the stress of having to deal with a small penis. I can screw for 20 or 30 minutes, my penis doesn't get soft and it has grown 1.2 inches more. My penis has grown, so far, up to 7.3 inches in 3 weeks, meaning 0.8 inches every week. Having a bigger penis and having sex for longer is amazing. Finally, I feel pleasure in doing it and I can satisfy the girl I'm with.

FOURTH WEEK: After four weeks, the moment of truth arrived. My penis reached 7.6 inches. I never thought it would be so big! Plus, I can keep my erection up even after I come. I went to a party and hooked up with a chick to see if everything was in order. She went crazy when she saw how hung I am! And later I had a great time listening to her coming. We went at it for 41 minutes, I gave her 5 orgasms and we tried almost every position. Now, finally, I know I can hook up with anyone I like and not have to worry about the size of my penis.

Trial Participant ID Card:

According to the data obtained, it can be asserted that the results of the treatment created by the Professor surprised, not only the scientific community, but the entire world. This is precisely why the formula has become so popular when it comes to fighting male impotence, micro penises and short-time erections. Now, more and more people want to try for themselves this effective method.

"When I saw the results of the clinical trials, I was surprised. Since then, I always recommend this treatment to all my patients that have a small-penis problem, and they end up delighted." - Professor from Stanford

Medical Professors received so many petitions of men wanting to try his penis-enlargement and lasting-erection treatment that his small lab could not cope with the production. That is why the Professor decided to start collaborating with a company that could produce a penis enlargement supplement according to his formula, which he simply called

Because it is a scientific method, Medical Professors concerned with results, not promises. That is why you can order a free trial version of anywhere in USA.

so you can be personally assured of the product's quality and achieve test-verified results.

Request FREE Trial is the best way to try before you buy. This is Medical Professors's personal guarantee, backed up by the manufacturer of the product - so you have nothing to risk!

By placing your order on the manufacturer's official web page you'll be shipped a 30 day trial supply of anywhere in USA.

Medical Professors does not simply make promises: he actually delivers. His formula is, without doubt, the best product to enlarge the penis that exists and the Professor has the documentation to prove it.

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